Die Kunst der Moderation

The art of hosting

Dreiteiliger Workshop für junges Publikum ab 16 Jahren


Mon 28/09, 15.00 – 18.00,
Tue 29/09, 13.00 – 19.00 &
Wed 30/09, 09.00 – 10.30

Forum Stadtpark / Saloon


Limited number of participants.
Information and registration:
p +43 664 24 500 90
Participation is free of charge.

How do you host a film discussion? How do you present background information to an audience and encourage discussion? What questions do you ask a guest in a discussion? In the first part of the workshop the participants watch the films “How do you like my hair?” by Emilie Blichtfeldt, “When I look in the mirror” by Saskia Gubbels, and “Goodbye” by Karin Fisslthaler together with our art educators and discuss aspects of the films in terms of content and style. In the second part, FM4 film critic and curator Petra Erdmann joins the young people to work on the dramaturgical techniques of hosting a film programme, with the directors of the films invited to take part in the discussions. The participants present the results of the workshop during the film screening by hosting a discussion with the film-makers themselves, assisted by Petra Erdmann.

Hosted by Petra Erdmann